
Some useful info:

Replace the arguments required for your actual argument
Correct usage: !rl rank ookami
Incorrect usage: !rl rank <ookami>

Hover over the underlined text for a tooltip
Some commands have synonyms; these are displayed on hover if there are any

You can hand out links that go directly to a command, simply append /#command_<triggerword> to this page’s URL so it looks like this:

List of Contents

Twitch Chat Commands

!8ball synonyms:
<question> (Optional) A question to ask the magic 8 Ball
Ask 8 Ball a questionEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<output> Command output, eg. some text
Add a new basic command Moderator
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<recipient> Target user to receive the Pack Honor
<amount> Amount of Pack Honor to give
Pack Honor Pack Honor is a hidden honor system tied to different chat functions
to a user
1,000 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<recipient> Target user to receive the Paw Coins
<amount> Amount of Paw Coins to give
Give Paw Coins to a user Moderator
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!addquote synonyms:
Add a new quote Subscriber
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<position> The position to apply for. Leave empty for a list of open positions
Apply for an open position Follower
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!backseating synonyms:
!backseat !no-spoiler
Backseating reminderEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
View current charity informationEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Auto-generate a clip Follower
250 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<platform> The platform to view the code for, eg. 'sl' for Streamloots
View discount codesEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!died synonyms:
!dead !death !deaths
<amount> (Optional) view the number of currents deaths
Update or view the death counterEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<triggerword> The triggerword for the command to be disabled, without the exclamation mark
Disable a command Moderator
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Get the Discord invite linkEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!editcommand synonyms:
<triggerword> The triggerword for the command to be edited, without the exclamation mark
<cooldown> Cooldown period, in seconds
<output> (Optional) Updated command output
Update an existing command Moderator
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Time followedEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Active chat gamesEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<recipient> The user you want to give Paw Coins to
<amount> The amount of Paw Coins you want to give
Give a user some of your Paw Coins Everyone
min 0 Community Bot Currency
The minimum cost to run the command
Use only during a
Hate Raid Hate Raids are toxic events where people come in to try and ruin a stream, usually posting hate messages
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!help synonyms:
Generate a link to a commandEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Attempt a
Howl Howls are often used to show support in something, but beware; you'll be rewarded for a perfect howl, but punished for a humiliatingly bad one
in chat
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!howlbadge amount
View your current
Howl Badges Howl Badges are rewarded for performing perfect howls. These are spent to prevent you from being TO'd in the event of a 0% howl, but they can also be spent to gift VIPs or Paw Coins
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!howlbadge use gift-pawcoinsSpend a
Howl Badge Howl Badges are rewarded for performing perfect howls. These are spent to prevent you from being TO'd in the event of a 0% howl, but they can also be spent to gift VIPs or Paw Coins
to gift 100k Paw Coins
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!howlbadge use gift-vip
<recipient> The user you want to VIP
Spend a
Howl Badge Howl Badges are rewarded for performing perfect howls. These are spent to prevent you from being TO'd in the event of a 0% howl, but they can also be spent to gift VIPs or Paw Coins
to VIP someone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!language synonyms:
!lang !english-only
Remind people we’re an English communityEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Display last quoteEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Disclaim that you’re going
Lurking Lurking is the act of supporting a stream by leaving it running (with audio usually on low) while being away
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<description> The description to add to the stream marker
Add a Stream Marker so Eli can be happy Subscriber
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!minecraft synonyms:
View info about our MC serverEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
When OokamiKun makes inappropriate soundsEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Check your own Mod Rank Moderator
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
When people can’t pronounce “Ookami-kun”Everyone
1,000 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<overlay> The overlay to select
<state> on/off or yes/no
Control overlays Moderator
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!packhonor synonyms:
Check your own
Pack Honor Pack Honor is a hidden honor system tied to different chat functions
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Check your Paw Coins balanceEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!quote synonyms:
<number> (Optional) Quote number
Display a quote Follower
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Output the raid messages VIP
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Explain how to use the “!rl rank” commandEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
rank synonyms:
Display a persons Rocket League ranksEveryone
10 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
miss synonyms:
When OokamiKun misses an open netEveryone
10 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Welcome newcomers to the streamEveryone
100 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<game> Current game title
Change the game on Twitch Moderator
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<channel> Channel username to fetch a random clip from
Display a random clip from a Twitch channelEveryone
5000 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<title> Stream title
Change the stream title Moderator
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!streamerage synonyms:
OokamiKunTV’s account ageEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
When OokamiKun returns VIP
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
When OokamiKun goes AFK VIP
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!subage synonyms:
User subscribe ageEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Display OokamiKun’s local timeEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<type> Counter types: redeemed
<counter> The implemented counter to check
Check the specified
counter Counters are back-end functions keeping track of how many times something has happened, eg. how many times a command has been run
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
<list> Select a Top 5 list to display. Leave empty for the available lists
Display a specified top 5 ranking Subscriber
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Display OokamiKunTV’s Twitter linkEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
Return from your huntEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command
!watchtime synonyms:
Brag about how long you’ve watched the streamsEveryone
0 Community Bot Currency
The cost to run the command